Leann Cortimiglia
11/24/2015 05:59:26 pm
Praying for and with you all for the truth to be made known...and a fair trial.
12/2/2015 07:45:01 pm
He is a guilty scumbag....End of story.... deal with it
Joan K
7/25/2016 06:12:48 am
So true, he is right where he belongs and he will die there 8/19/2017 08:09:37 pm
I was pretty much convinced scott killed lacey and conner but if evidence is brought forth that it was kept from the jury i think he should get a new trial
9/28/2017 07:23:32 pm
I just watched the tv special on A&E and I believe Scott is a 100 percent guilty scumbag !!!
4/7/2018 01:59:13 pm
He's innocent......end of story....deal with it
Michelle Pavsner
7/31/2018 07:41:54 pm
Your going on emotion... what the media wanted you to feel as well.. watch the documentary-what proof was found? None... convicted on theory.. 8/6/2018 02:17:49 pm
If I were as prejudice as you are I would hope that if you were in Scott's shoes that you , without any forensic evidence, would be convicted as well. You and all you other gutless wonders who believe he's guilty on hearsay alone.
11/17/2016 10:21:09 am
hes guilty
4/21/2017 10:12:13 pm
Too much info released at the time of Conner and casy showing on the shore. I called it and it happened. I said" now watch they are going to be on the bay."
Teri Wats
9/6/2017 10:34:53 pm
Her name was Laci.. you really did your research lol
John McCay
9/30/2017 08:00:09 pm
Scott got a raw deal and the jury fiasco is enough for a re trial
Brandon Towery
11/16/2017 01:20:12 pm
These people who say hes guilty are the same assholes who convicted him before the trail ever started, Nancy Grace the police etc. I could go all night n day but i wont.. The fact that Nancy Grace goes to the house herself along with a college n sees the concrete in his driveway after judging him for months n dont repent her words shows exactly what happened to Scott. The Jury was trying to get rid of anybody who may find him not guilty n they did. The real loser in this case was the Judge what a idiot. Americans love there soap poppers especially most woman.. It is very tradgic what happened to Conner n Laci. But i just read another article of how this new news anchor is bashing Scott before he gets his fair trial so this will all start again because of people putting judgement on others n call themselves Christians. Take the plank out of your own eye we arent supposed to judge others like that. Its not our job... He should get a new trial on the basis of a unfair jury , the media circus Nancy Grace caused n also because the burglary happened that day n was never investigated like it shouldve been plus your gonna believe a lifetime convicted felon over a man that had never broke the law??? Also the prosecution withheld 10 pages of the discovery. One of those happened to be the mailmans scanning of there mail.. N he is the biggest one of all in my opinion they told the world of Scotts aliby so of corse if someone else took her thats where they would dump the body n also we cant forget alot of other woman was found just like her around the area with missing parts n im sorry to the family of Laci to have to relive this again. But sounds more like a serial killer to me.. Im just wondering have they found anymore woman found that way out there?
rick fisher
10/29/2017 05:52:28 am
I would think that most detectives would have figured this one out already. But I was watching the show on A&E and Everyone in the world missed this. What is the first thing you do when you walk a DOG? You go get a leash CORRECT? What do you do when your done walking a dog? You take the leash off CORRECT? What did the neighbor do with the dog when she found it outside the home? She put the dog in the back yard with the muddy leash CORRECT. So What does that tell everyone? SOMEONE walked the dog that day. WAS it Scott? NO!! WAS it LACI? WHO ELSE COULD HAVE WALKED THE DOG? Obviously the dog made it back without the owner. So the several people who said they saw her were probably correct. Doesnt matter what time the neighbor put the dog back in the back yard. Laci was gone before arriving back at the house. And Scott's in the the office, then heading to the bay with his boat. When did he find the time to KILL and attach all the cement to his dead wife and son when they were walking the dog. All you people who found this man guilty should keep the emotional part out of your decision and rely on facts and common sense!!
Mena Giftopoulos
1/8/2018 01:45:29 pm
I too at first thought he was innocent BUT PLEASE check out and follow all of the exhibits and conversations, provided in the linc below. Follow it ALL and heck do your own research, look at the interview he did, pay close attention especially to his conversation on JAN 1 2003 in with AMBER FRY. Read all of the conversations provided by the "peoples exbit" against Scott P. you will see how he becomes very very nervous when his mother in law calls him and tells him about a boat anchor the police find in the bay how he immediately calls numerous people asking them in a sly way if they heard about this anchor AND HOW BIG IT WAS that they found.... and in the same disgusting breath tells them all the CHIEF of POLICE informed him, when it was his mother in law. HE IS GUILTY! HOPE HE GETS HAUNTED BY LACI AND CONNER EVERY DAY OF HIS PATHETIC LIFE . He is a MURDERER, I truly believe he will meet his fate one day- what comes around goes around and GOD will make sure of that!
7/31/2018 12:54:25 pm
So if you were in his shoes, you wouldn't react in a nervous way b/c you're innocent? Emotions are not evidence, only conjecture. Show me the evidence
Raaymond Underhill
1/19/2018 02:37:24 pm
During the trial I was brained washed by Nancy Grace and those other women who report like the national news reports today. They formulate an opinion and then report only what supports their opinion and many times taking things out of context so it appears to support their opinion. Ignoring any evidence they cannot take out of context or that just simply doesn't support their opinions.
11/25/2015 12:30:01 am
I have not yet read the appeal, but very good news. So many things point to Scott being innocent.
Holly Barber
12/3/2016 12:34:13 pm
There is a mountain of things that point to his guilt. This is what some of the jurors stated after the trial. His behavior is not that of an innocent man and I don't mean just a couple of odd things. There are literally dozens of things that he did that point to his guilt. This is why he was convicted. It is also why he will be convicted if he gets another trial
Nelly b
4/7/2017 12:25:23 pm
George if we listened to you we would be walking around with a world full of murderers ..as seemingly you think everyone is innocent ..
12/1/2017 04:04:00 pm
Nelly (and others on this thread)
Nelly b wrong
4/7/2018 02:01:28 pm
There's no evidence that supports you try reading the appeal.
8/24/2017 06:44:09 pm
Does Scott or anyone else who thinks he's innocent not find it so absurd that "burglars" from across the street from his house would dump her body in the same area that he went "fishing". Really Peterson family??? And then all his lies and deceit. Fortunately the public is not buying it Scott! For once man-up. Your nothing but a spoilt "boy" living in an adult male body who is used to getting his way. That was your downfall I guess!
9/20/2017 01:57:43 pm
You seriously need to research the Evelyn Hernandez case! She was murdered 6 months before Laci, was pregnant, and was found in the exact same bay while missing her head and the exact same limbs as Laci! The media actually called her 'the other Laci Peterson nobody talked about'. There are ***2*** other women, both pregnant and who lived within a mile or two of Laci who disappeared within the year of Laci's death. How do you explain the jail police officer who turned over jailhouse phone recordings of the men who were convicted of robing the house across the street admiting details of Laci's death but the Modesto detectives ignoring this evidence? How do you explain ***20*** people seeing Laci after Scott was at work? How do you explain no one seeing her body or a big bag in the back of his truck or in the boat, even tho there were people within a few feet of both? Can't wait to hear your excuses.
9/22/2017 07:14:24 pm
You don't know anything about what he did you're basing opinions off of information that you've heard through media. He told police where he was, police told the media, the person that took her and the other pregnant women in the area had an easy out by dropping the bodies where he was during the disappearance. You realize another 8 mo pregnant victim was murdered and dropped in the same area and her body was found in the exact same way? You don't find that strange? I felt the same way you did but sometimes as humans we need to step back and say okay just because he was a cheater (not okay) doesn't make him a murder. We have to make room for the facts, maybe I'm wrong and maybe you're wrong... we don't know. We do, however, have to let the facts play out and allow ourselves to listen to them. I'm listening because We all know he cheated but if he's not a murder than he doesn't deserve death row. He deserves his life back.
9/24/2017 02:11:44 pm
Have u heard the details of the case the media released his alibi to the public they dumped her body there to frame him yeah he cheated but that doesn't make him guilty of murder and people saw her with the robbers do ur research
alan randall
9/29/2017 11:46:47 am
the dumping site was never confirmed as the water current expert later admitted he had no training in this area of expertise.
10/2/2017 01:58:13 pm
No. What IS absurd is to think he would be stupid enough to dump her body in the bay and THEN tell police he was fishing there. The fact that his alibi was made publicly known and all over the news within 48 hours of her missing makes it more than plausible that the real killer(s) would then dump her body there to implicate him. You're on a site that has everything associated with this event down to the letter... thousands of pages of court transcripts, eyewitness accounts, appellant briefs, state appellant brief answers, and on and on. Why did you come here? Certainly not to learn anything. And, guess what? The public IS buying it, I was one who believed, based on all the sensational reporting, that Scott was guilty. Now that I have taken the time to read through the facts and all the briefs, I am 100% convinced that he is innocent.
1/4/2018 10:54:43 am
So you think by the police telling the world his alibi the day after she went missing, that it's absolutely ridiculous to think that the people who had her, would dump her body in that exact place? Ok, come on now! You tell the entire world an innocent person's alibi and of course the guilty are going to take advantage of that, especially if it means someone else taking the blame. I am sorry but what about the sightings of Laci walking the dog? Were all those people just lying? Or just mistaken? That's alot of people that all must have gotten it wrong wouldn't you say? The media judged and convicted this man from the very beginning. And people like you who are on board with the media without doing your own research and fact finding, is exactly what is wrong with this entire case. Instead of you spending your own time and energy to review the FACTS, not opinions, the actual facts of this case, it's much easier to be spoon fed the best selling story straight from the media. 7/31/2018 01:00:24 pm
Man hater??? your belief of where the body was dumped, excuse the pun , holds no water, Do you seriously believe someone can say for sure where the body was put in the water? I think not, way too many variales and a new algorithm would need to be designed,sorry not buying into some outdated, discount math telling us how the body ended up where it was found...
9/3/2017 11:22:04 pm
I agree, like how he knew that is going to be his first Christmas without his wife. So innocent.
9/19/2017 09:47:53 pm
Even if all great evidence as stated on newly televised show points to his possible innocence...how can any logical human being get around The one sole definitive nail in the coffin moment pointing to his guilt was his statement he made way before Laci went missing that this will be first Christmas without his wife! The Peterson family clearly doesn't confront that to the tv audience to try and explain this damning statement he made to Amber Frey! They never address it!! That one comment clearly points to his guilt and will be hard to overcome.
Gary Hughes
1/10/2018 07:59:22 am
I am an Australian and after watching and reading about this case l thank God l live in Australia. The US system is the best system money can buy. My Lord how on earth can you get a fair trial once the media circus get a hold of it. In Australia you are not allowed to report or discuss a case while it is before the Court. No public debate on guilt or innocence on TV shows for ratings. How can you send a person to their death claiming s fair trial when it is seen as an absolute circus. Fair trial my ass. Convict a person on the evidence and not public opinion. The American moto of ‘Justice For All’ is a total lie. He may well be guilty but he did not get a fair trial. There is too much reasonable doubt for a guilty verdict. Get an honest judge, fair jury and let all the evidence be heard not just the evidence you want a jury to hear. There were witnesses who claim they saw her walking her dog. She stood out because she was heavily pregnant. The police investigation seemed very biased which is not acceptable law enforcement in any jurisdiction. This man was crucified by the media before and during the trial which is never allowed in Australia thank God. Any evidence that could indicate innocence was ignored. Ratings, reputations and money is all that mattered and a man’s life was never considered. The wave of public opinion seeking a guilty verdict was rife and the TV anchors sold it to enhance their popularity. If the American justice system is so great then why have they exonerated so many people on Death Row after many years of imprisonment. Our justice system applies the recorded theory of a High Court Judge that states “it is better to let 99 guilty men go free than to convict 1 innocent person”. Think about it and you will come to realise that this is a true and fair justice constitutional principle. ‘Principles before personalities’. The greatest justice system in the world. If you believe this you are delusional. America is a great country with great people with beliefs and lifestyles very similar to Australians. We are great allies and always will be.
11/25/2015 01:12:36 am
Prayers go out to your family and scott for the day he is free
Tonia Warnshuis
9/30/2017 02:42:08 pm
Why are these people aka the jury so ignorant?? So he messed up, by having a 1 night stand. He loved his wife, he loved his life. I still cannot believe they Convicted him, When the EVIDENCE was CIRCUMSTANTIAL!!!?? What happened to the TRUTH?? But hey the times we live in!! FREE HIM, LET HIM HAVE, WHATS LEFT OF HIS LIFE, MY GOD. So SAD
11/10/2017 11:42:21 am
Holly crap! You idiots who believe he is not guilty are screwed up in the head. He killed her and almost got away with it because of a lawyer who will rot in hell for knowing that he is helping a murderer. Scott is pure evil. In this case, the media actually did its job and got it convicted because the prosecution did a horrible job. Rot it prison. I hope you suffer in jail until they kill you by injection or beating!
11/25/2015 03:26:45 pm
All of those things should be considered. You are all in my thoughts during the holidays.
1/15/2016 05:39:28 am
He so guilty!
11/26/2015 09:33:15 pm
As a law student I would love to read the entire writ
6/17/2017 02:50:29 pm
As a law student pay attention to the part where the prosecutor didn't know exactly how Lacey was killed or exactly when she was killed and there was no evidence linking Scott to physically killing her.
9/17/2017 11:33:53 am
Ha! So more "perfect" the crime, the less likely you can be convicted!!
Alicia M
12/13/2017 05:42:17 pm
And the part where he tells his girlfriend that he lost his wife and it would be his first Christmas without her.. and the part where they found evidence in his computer looking up tides etc days before, although he made a last minute decision THAT morning to go "fishing".. if you think he's innocent you're a MORON!
Kristi S Adams
4/17/2018 09:00:47 am
I agree CP.
11/28/2015 06:48:51 am
Following from day 1 and believe he is innocent. Keep up the fight and God Bless.
12/25/2017 04:49:18 pm
You also probably believe in the tooth fairy. Get a grip. Scott Peterson is a murdering piece of scum. He is exactly where he should be. I, for one, will celebrate the day he is executed.
12/1/2015 03:16:50 pm
One can only hope that others will open their eyes to the truth in this case.
Michael Lawson
12/2/2015 02:16:05 pm
You people are delusional. Your boy brutally murdered his wife and unborn child. He is evil, pure and simple. I only regret that California does not utilize the death penalty. He should have been hung from the nearest tree 10 years ago. You can all go to Hell, and he'll join you there.
Amy Granger
4/22/2017 11:54:15 am
Sir! I understand the emotion involved in a case such as this. But the mere idea that you are saying everyone who thinks differently than you should go to hell makes you quite frankly, an asshole! People have a right to disagree. You are not always right. Stop passing judgement on others. Learn to keep your mouth shut. And find god, ask him for forgiveness for all the hatefulness in your heart.
Sandy Pister
8/27/2017 11:09:28 pm
I agree with you 100 percent.
9/22/2017 04:52:32 pm
While I agree that he is guilty and I agree the strongest piece of evidence is him stating on December 9th that he lost his wife and this would be the first holiday without her and the fact he never even mentioned his son he is either clarvoient or a murderer but after watching the six part tv show I do think he did not receive a fair trial our system needs to be pure and fair for everyone because sometimes the police get it wrong now please don't misunderstand I saw nothing in the show that made me change my mind however if I was on the new jury I don't think I could convict him and sentence him to death unless the prosecution had clear hard additional evidence there are too many reasonable alternatives and our law stated when that happens you have to find for innocence again in my gut I know he did it but I don't think they proved it and a lot of his rights were violated and I think it was an emotional decision for guilt by the judge the jury and the public but if you strip that emotion away and look at the facts he should not have been convicted wether he deserves to be in jail or not he should have the same rights as everyone else a fair trial with 12 unbiased jurors and evidence beyond a reasonable doubt and that is not what he got
12/1/2017 04:24:44 pm
Jesus! People open your eyes! The threshold to convict a guilty party must go beyond any reasonable doubt. We are convicting him based on instincts and character flaws. I despise cheaters. I despise men who degrade and disrespect women. I despise liars. Scott is a man I would not like. However, my feelings and my instincts can not overrule the court process. There are many legitamate arguments made by the defense and by the prosecution. Nonetheless, given that the prosecution relied so heavily on circumstantial evidence their argument becomes vulnerable. There is not enough weight, in the prosecutions argument, when coupled with the defense and their subsequent findings. This case when taken into perspective does not meet the guilty threshold. Now, Scott may be guilty. I am not arguing that he might be an evil little shit. I am arguing that he deserves and needs a new trial- a fair trial. I would be terrified if I was tried, in. a heavily publicized crime because it limits the accused rights’.
Mike Roche
4/7/2018 02:14:20 pm
His behaviour with amber fry? What behaviour ? That's not evidence of a crime lol.
Kristi S Adams
4/17/2018 09:02:46 am
Sandy Pister, but yet no actual evidence could be tied to him. NONE. I always thought he was guilty because of the media. Listen to the two episodes on Crime Junkie podcast and then tell me if you have doubts like I do now.
Nancy P
5/11/2018 06:56:52 pm
All of you naysayers need to do your homework before opening your mouths -every issue you mention has been addressed and explained-you obviously have not watched the current tv shows or read the info in this website -
michyl alan
12/2/2015 02:17:06 pm
He should be taken straight to the gas chamber.
Brian Davis
12/2/2015 02:17:48 pm
I've read all this information, he still seems guilty
Tom white
4/7/2018 02:19:30 pm
You haven't read it if you think he's guilty,the 12 witnesses who saw her after she was supposed to being dumped in the water prove his innocence alone.
12/2/2015 03:57:45 pm
SHAME on all of you who foolishly contend this arrogant asshole is innocent. And, your timing sucks, as it is almost the anniversary of the day he murdered Laci and Connor, then called his mother in law to say, "Laci is missing!!!
5/28/2016 01:04:03 am
Shame on you and that you so simple minded
12/4/2015 09:18:42 am
He is guilty
12/5/2015 08:06:31 pm
I believe Scott is innocent. I KNOW the evidence against him was extremely weak. Hopefully this will help our justice system see that.
12/24/2015 09:50:08 am
The evidence against Scott Peterson is overwhelming and he is right where he belongs.You are wasting your time
5/29/2017 04:10:39 pm
Just because he is an adulterous asshole, does not make him a murderer. And the fact he cheated is the ONLY thing that the prosecution proved
9/5/2017 09:02:01 pm
I agree.He was found guilty in the court of public opinion.They need to show me more substantial evidence.
Nancy P
5/11/2018 06:58:34 pm
6/17/2017 02:52:32 pm
I agree. Anytime the prosecutor says he doesn't know how she was killed, when she was killed or where she was killed the evidence is so overwhelming that the defendant must be guilty.
12/30/2015 12:50:30 pm
I had honestly never even heard of this before..but I am very interested in reviewing honest portrayals of the truth and evidence and not the skewed version of our criminal justice system which is sadly a disgrace like so many of our American systems these days. This was enlightening. Many prayers and light and love to all involved.
Carlos Veliz
12/31/2015 11:24:58 am
I believe in justice. I will look for a final fair outcome which I don't think he never had. Several crimes where committed against him too. If he is guilty or innocent is the state's job to prove it. It was not a clean trial and the media crucified him within 48 hours his beautiful wife was missing. I don't like this guy. Many things make me doubt him. But I also think he is a human being who deserves a fair trial and ALL evidence to be presented. I was disgusted to hear about that tainted juror. Disgusted! Good luck to Scott's team. Guilty or Innocent but we want fair justice.
Cindy Papineau
9/20/2017 01:51:53 pm
When the trial occurred, I believed Scott Peterson to be guilty based solely on what I had read and heard from the media. After watching the recent A&E Program on Lacy Peterson's murder, I realized Scott Peterson did not receive a fair trial. Something every American citizen is entitled to. This is a horrible tragedy for all concerned. My prayer is that the truth will be found and justice served. Based on the evidence not seen by the jury I believe there is a reasonable doubt Scott Peterson could even have committed the crime. My condolences to all the family members.
Gregory Kelly
1/11/2016 09:56:23 pm
Scott is Guilty as hell!!! His second biggest mistake was using an idiot for an Attorney, Geragos, he a better cartoon character than anything!!!
8/4/2016 06:15:57 pm
Not to mention Geragos was on TV in the early part of her missing saying how guilty Scott was. Then the family hires him. Sounds like they planned that well kinda like Scott planned her murder. Not very bright.
Sana Hoff
1/11/2016 11:34:54 pm
I believe he's innocent, he is another case in this unfit "justice system, where the dirty minds of the detectives and prosecutors invent a crime. I heard there were other similar crimes involving pregnant women in the area. It's now guilty until proven innocent. I hope Scott gets out.
11/10/2017 11:45:40 am
Do you still believe is Santa Claus? Scott will rot in jail. Would you feel the same way if Laci were your daughter?
Jan H
1/12/2016 07:20:11 am
I have believed in Scott's innocence from the very start. None of this should have ever happened. Godspeed everyone and you are in my thoughts and prayers.
1/15/2016 05:32:47 am
Are you people that stupid? This idiot couldn't look more guilty! He is guilty! He's a waste of tax dollars and isn't worth the oxygen he breathes! He should be put in a room and Lacis poor family he's ruined should be allowed to beat him to a pulp! Admit it Scott you coward! Get a grip Peterson family or any idiot who thinks he's not guilty! Fry him already!
5/28/2016 01:05:44 am
The only person who is stupid it's you !
4/21/2017 07:39:09 pm
Some of you are delusional. This man is a sick scumbag that should have been put to death immediately right outside the court room.
Carole Page
5/4/2017 10:43:19 pm
Looks guilty??? Let us pray you are never a juror. You fool.
Chanel Elizabeth
9/19/2017 08:26:57 pm
Can someone please tell me what hard evidence links Scott to the murder of his wife and unborn child? All I've ever heard is him having an affair, and that is all that was proven in court. How can you sentence a man to death when no one knows how Laci was killed, when Laci was killed or where Laci was killed. Until I see hard evidence or DNA that proves Scott guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, I will continue to believe he is innocent. Just because Scott had an extramarital affair and didn't act the way the public wanted him to react does not mean he is a cold blooded killer. Stop feeding into the media, take a look at the evidence. There is not 1 single piece of evidence that can link Scott to the murder of Laci and her unborn child. I hope Scott receives a fair trial.
World full of idiots
11/15/2017 12:19:46 pm
Ok. I wasn't going to post anything on here but I can't read anymore of these idiotic comments and keep my mouth shut anymore. The one that finally got to me was "this idiot couldn't look more guilty" Seriously?! Look more guilty? So we should be convicting people to death row based on how they look? Are you kidding me right now? I'm sorry, Jeni, but that is a really stupid comment and it's people like you that make me so sad for the state of the world today and in the future. Whatever happened to "innocent until PROVEN guilty?" That is obviously some kind of fantasy dream when people who sit in judgement on these juries don't even have to take an IQ test or prove that they have any kind of listening or reading comprehension.
11/26/2017 09:23:38 pm
12/22/2017 01:33:18 pm
Your comments are bullshit. Your reasons are nothing. You have no arguments. Scott killed Lacy!!! I believe in an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth - Lets do what he did to Lacy. Spend your money on Lacy not the murderer. He probably did strangle her, but do not need to know those facts. There are enough facts that makes him guilty. He admitted his guilt when he told Amber she was missing before she went missing. The family needs to move on and we will all watch in 3 years as he is put to death. This will be when Lacy and her family will rest in peace. Only Scott and his family thinks he innocent. If it was my brother who did this I would stand by Lacy. The evidence is overwhelming and thank god for the wonderful police who stayed on this case as strangling somebody will not leave much evidence. Scott - where are the other boat anchors? How about it Family in denial
Laci's Voice
12/27/2017 10:09:03 am
Do you not see premeditation here - He planned those murders as he told Amber he lost his wife before she was lost. What would you call this evidence? Its like the OJ case. All the rich lawyers are dead now. That dumb ass never told the truth about anything. He tried lying to Amber even on the interview she had watched. She said he lied about that too. The only believers are his family members- some of them. Please exclude Ann Byrd as she did not protect scott. I laughed when he lied about why he kept calling amber. He said it was to keep the search going . Boy! he could not tell the truth about anything. The family needs to quit protecting him and force him to tell the truth or abandon him. He is an idiot. His quilt was surfacing in his actions and every time he talked. Thank God for Amber Fry, Nancy Grace, and Gloria Gomez. Thank the investigators for staying on him from the beginning. Scott should not even get the needle. He should be executed just like he did his wife and child. There is a lot of evidence on this guy. Put yourself in everybody else shoes. Not all murders leave a blood trail and not all murders leave a trail like scott left behind. The money the family gave scott shows they wanted him to run. Even there excuse about the money was a lie
2/7/2018 11:12:28 am
This ☝ This is the best most logical and thought out comment I have read thus far on all if these Scott Peterson sites. I don't usually post either but I had to commend you. People are emotionally based and it over comes their common sense. Thank you for your post. I agree 100%.
Kimberly Cole
1/17/2016 06:31:41 pm
Thank you for this website. I've always evaluated the conviction in this case as a landmark blemish on the judicial system. In law school I was passionate about it. I viewed it as THE example of the dangers that threaten justice colliding and wich require our proactive understanding and mitigation to rebalance the scales. Justice coexisting in an age of instant, around the clock media that needs 'compelling' content to fill its time & compete, in an age of six digit jury, witness & random observer book deals that make association to an accused the new lottery ticket, the misinformation saturating our information streams, it all came together to work against reality as it stood in evidence based facts in Scott's case. It's tragic and I guess I am still passionate about that. The appeal, as well as the Habeas are compelling, because they are true. Each calls attention to an injustice that points not just to its effects against Scott Peterson, but against Laci Peterson, Conner Peterson and renders limitless those impacted in their trauma and subsequent denial of true justice under the law. I only wish the information in these two documents were even fractionally as disseminated and consumed as the misinformation that is now erroneously listed as facts on the books. Scott Petersons conviction is an example of how so very little it takes to put a false nefarious play on anyone under suspicion. How our personalities and short comings unrelated any crime, can be unfairly used to deprive us justice. What would happen to any of our lives should they ever be placed so squarely under an assumption driven, ratings dependent, bright presumptive microscope? It makes me sad on so many levels to this day. It's not right. It's not justice. And my stomache turns still when I ponder the mob mentality, knowing if common sense & critical thinking could have just a moment to say 'what if your wrong' 'imagine if what you were told & sold was wrong & there were more fact & evidence driven alternatives that can change your mind.' How many good people would be humble enough to abandon prior notions & demand the truth be the goal again. I pray for your families strength as you await that same justice & truth, far too delayed. We hold you all in the highest regard for what you have been through & continue to fight. May a higher purpose be served from the injustice someday. And, may the injustices be revealed as enormously as it was committed, only so clearly that the love your family deserves can overflow to you on the same scale.
Aiken Johnson
4/24/2017 02:50:03 pm
Kimberly Cole - if you really are an attorney, I feel really terrible for any person that actually hires you. You would benefit greatly from psychiatric help.
9/17/2017 11:53:53 am
Aiken, well said!! I read through the " habeus corpus" appeal and decision, very telling. A lot of the "lies", misinformation told by the Petersons/ defence team are all addressed. Basically, it's Scot who places himself at the scene, 2000 yards from Laci's body and 3000 yards from Conner's! Damning!!!!
9/8/2017 12:23:35 am
Couldn't agree more as an attorney
9/12/2017 07:51:27 pm
Watching the A&E special, he is innocent and when you take away the fact he was an idiot and liar, the facts never got close to fitting the crime.
9/13/2017 06:35:02 pm
Powerful! When I was taking journalism in school - my opinion only counted in the Op/Ed letters page. Journalists reported who what where when and how.
9/14/2017 04:42:02 pm
Your comment resonates...well thought out,well spoken, and reminding us of the wisdom of acknowledging that "There but by the grace of God go I."
Tara Seguin Pierce
9/30/2017 10:56:02 pm
I agree with you completely.
1/24/2016 04:28:41 pm
That murdering bastard is so focking guilty you'd have to be delusional to think otherwise. Idiots. That muther focker is exactly where he belongs. Well, actually when he is dead, that will be where he belongs. Get a grip, dumbasses.
9/26/2017 06:17:21 pm
There's not a shred of evidence he did it, but a mountain of evidence he didn't do it. The Peterson family deserves justice and it can only start when Scott is freed and the search for the killer(s) resumes.
Jim Creamer
3/4/2016 10:31:38 am
Hasn't Scott rotted in jail long enough? Why isn't Scott's Habeas Corpus Petition on an expedited schedule?
6/17/2017 02:55:20 pm
Because the American public is to juvenile to understand reasonable doubt. If the prosecutor says she was either strangle her suffocated it was either the night before or the morning of Christmas and it probably was in the house that's a pretty good indication there's a reasonable doubt. Add to that the Juror that lied about being involved in a criminal case to get on the jury. She had an ax to grind with Peterson because a baby was involved.
2/7/2018 11:26:31 am
I agree with you. Do you notice the people who think Scotts guilty are cussing and emotionally charged while the ones that use common sence come to the table with facts.
3/7/2016 09:01:24 pm
I find it very telling that this website states your comment will be posted AFTER it is APPROVED. & there are only comments stating Scott is innocent. Hmmm....
5/27/2016 05:20:42 pm
You must not have read many comments because there are easily half and half in support of and against him. I understand why you'd think he's guilty, and perhaps he is. The media certainly portrayed him that way. But if you actually read the evidence on here it at the very least gives reasonable doubt.
9/8/2017 12:22:42 am
As an attorney I agree. He wasn't given a fair trial.
9/20/2017 02:07:36 pm
Mandy, I pray you are never a juror because you are obviously an imbecile! There are many very nasty comments that I never would have allowed thru but the mods of this site did.
Nancy P
5/11/2018 07:04:39 pm
Can you read ? There is more venom on this page than a snakes fang! Why would you say such a an obviously incorrect statements?
3/23/2016 11:21:05 am
damn, crazy
3/24/2016 08:28:06 pm
In my mind you certainly make a good case for an appeal. It looks to me like an awful lot of circumstantial evidence was what convicted him No hard evidence. There certainly should have been something looking amiss when the police searched his house the very next day
Judi Riley
3/27/2016 07:33:30 pm
I've followed Scott's case since the beginning & my prayers are with you guys who continue to live this nightmare. The 'new evidence' in the writ all looks reasonable however
9/17/2017 12:22:21 pm
Really Judi? For naive people like you, even DNA evidence would not be enough! You'd let the OJs of this world off because there no CCTV footage to confirm the events. Read the habeus corpus filing and response and see if that makes you a bit wiser and if not I'd like to sell you the Eiffel Tower!!
9/23/2017 01:06:22 am
I thought this blog was going to be a place where you can chat about facts in this case and maybe get some answers to some of my questions. However, it seems it is just a sounding board for haters. Some of the comments on here are so childish it is ridiculous. I am not 100% positive if I believe he is innocent yet, but I am leaning towards that after reading this. I still have some unanswered questions that I thought I would find here, like who owned the van from the robbery, was it ever examined for forensics and there were more than three guys robbing the house, two are in jail, what about the others. Anybody have true facts on that cause I can not find those answers. And really what do these people get out of coming and saying their immature remarks against Scott. I want to hear more info and less comments like "he should burn in hell", really grow up and go find somewhere else to act like a 10 year old.
scott andersen
3/30/2016 09:45:00 am
He is guilty!!! Should have been hung by now. How come you don't mention his affair !!!
5/27/2016 05:22:18 pm
An affair does not a murderer make. Look at the divorce and infidelity stats. I would daresay that's a pretty big leap to claim all adulterers are murderers.
9/23/2017 01:12:14 am
Jennifer, I agree, to me it makes him a horrible person to have had an affair on his 8 month pregnant wife. What really surprises me is that even though this was a horrible choice he made, I find it real difficult to believe that this 6 week affair (and only seeing Amber 4 times) led this man to decide he should kill his wife and baby. Just seems a little difficult to believe.
5/31/2016 06:32:27 pm
I wondered about this as well. Not one mention of his affair.
1/15/2018 08:18:35 am
Scott had more than one affair. Amber was not the only one. Why don't you mention that?
4/1/2016 04:02:41 pm
Like everyone else I only knew what the media was saying. I came across your site by mistake today and went through it. I don't know if he did it or not.... but as a citizen of this country I don't believe Scott got even close to a fair trial. It was a horrible horrible situation and somebody needed to be blamed but if he didn't do it there is a killer that got away with murder. He doesn't seem to even fit the profile. I know this might sound like a stretch but you should beg Dr. Phil to get involved. Dr. Phil unlike the other media actually searches for the truth. If he gave the witness that seen her after Scott left a lie detector.... it will bring the whole story to the media. The media convicted him.... probably his best chance for a new.... fair trial. Good luck with everything.
4/5/2016 10:05:29 pm
Please consider the FACT that I will never allow Scott out of prison. He has not asked for forgiveness for killing my children - Laci and Conner - I know Scott is a murderer, because I am God.
5/28/2016 01:09:33 am
You pathetic excuse for human being how dare you call yourself a GOD !!
Christine Saylor
9/15/2016 10:53:39 pm
He will be struck down for calling himself God.
12/22/2017 01:37:16 pm
What is the difference? Just ask Scott - How dare he lie and keep everyone stringing along. How dare Scott not call himself a murderer 9/19/2017 10:21:52 am
You are not GOD, and you don't speak for The Lord Of Hosts.
JT Kennedy
4/16/2016 04:46:21 pm
Scott Peterson's family deserves compassion because they are vitcims of his crimes, too. The evidence is strong and he was convicted on that evidence. Even Scott Peterson's sister publicly stated she knows he did this.
9/8/2017 12:20:52 am
As an attorney I am curious what evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that you know of? Not saying he is guilty or innocent
12/22/2017 01:41:14 pm
I agree I am proud of Anne who is the only one who said he did it. That is all people want. For the family to admit his guilt. All they are doing is trying to come up with some bull shit reasons that do not add up to nothing. Scott will never admit to doing this and neither will his other family members. Thank God for Anne
Toka Losh
5/2/2016 05:44:54 am
It is unfortunate that, 324 years after Salem, that Americans still pursue such witch hunts. The conviction of the innocent is a deep abiding passion of the US government and the American people and is a fundamental basis for this country and society as a whole. This is not a characteristic of a true democracy.
5/19/2016 04:30:17 pm
He's guilty. Reading the stuff on this page makes him seem even more guilty.
5/21/2016 12:52:54 am
Justice has been done. Scott is guilty.
jose perez
5/22/2016 11:08:29 am
Hope to rot in hell for the monstrous act to committed on your wife and child!!!!!
6/2/2016 12:39:49 pm
I feel sick to my stomach at the incredible vitriol that has been written on this site towards the family by people who were not in the least bit involved with the case and who's views come straight from the media whom we can see will do anything to get ratings including covering a madman called Trump ad nauseum who could now be President of the United States. I am sorry that you have to go through all of that and obviously had to go through a lot of it in the past. I did not follow the case very closely, although I knew it was going on at the time, because it seemed so hyped by the media. I remember thinking that it did seem suspicious that he was driving to San Diego with equipment and money and that he might be headed for Mexico. But, that is circumstantial evidence. In your appeal you give an excellent exclamation for all of that. and so much more. I have read your entire appeal and it is my view that you have a very good case. I am sure you know by know that the Internet is filled with a lot of hateful ignorant people.
Varant "Moody" Davoodian
3/1/2017 12:06:25 am
10/26/2017 02:04:44 pm
if you want to call people stupid, learn to spell
Sue Beaty
3/31/2017 09:08:09 pm
Were you there ? How are you so sure you know the truth? Get over it. He is a murderer.
7/10/2016 06:48:57 pm
I have read every document on this case and have struggled for years whether Scott was proven guilty or not. If we take out Amber Frey and all that Scott said to her it would level the playing field. The jury was inflamed by Scotts own words to her and about her. The one thing that I have a hard time with is when Scott first arrived home. Laci is very pregnant, her car is in the driveway, the house is dark, dog is in backyard with leash on and Scott takes a shower first when panic alarms should be sounding off. This behavior seems very cold and callous. I cannot reconcile this scenario with what would be a normal reaction. And if Scott is guilty, how cruel to never let his family know the truth (in private) ; they are sentenced to a lifetime of false hope.
8/1/2016 07:30:09 pm
After reading everything here, I am not convinced he is guilty as I first thought he was. I'm now leaning towards not guilty.
Linda Hires
8/12/2016 05:10:03 pm
A few months ago I submitted a comprehensive statement after reading every court document as well as every book that has been written. Please let me know why it was never posted for all to ponder.
9/4/2016 03:03:53 pm
Innocent or guilty, the questions raised here are very worthy of review by the courts. My gut feeling is that Mr. Peterson did not kill his wife (and her fetus). Hopefully the future will clarify things further.
9/6/2016 11:51:01 am
Scott weather guilty or not deff got railroaded and couldn't have gotten a fair trail even if they moved it to any of the fifty states in the USA let alone a few miles away wtf good luck with the appeal I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts not much of a prayer myself
John Shivers
11/19/2016 09:47:23 pm
There is one easy way to know that Scott is guilty. Look where the body washed up!!. Right where we know with absolute certainty Scott was on the very day she went missing. It is amazing how his family will say it would have been impossible for Scott to dump a body in the Bay, but then they turn around and say that Scott was framed by somebody who went through all the trouble to take a dead body that distance and dump it in a Bay, WHERE the police were by then searching up and down. They literally would have had to risk their own neck to dump the body right under the noses of the police. How riduculous is it to suggest that this is how the body got into the Bay?
12/1/2016 09:18:27 am
I remember hearing quite a lot about this, and thinking that they really didn't have a whole lot of evidence to convict with.
2/9/2017 07:15:46 am
The fact of the matter is that most murders are perpetrated by loved ones. It is ignorant to believe this man is innocent, he is exactly where he belongs and this crackpot website doesn't convince me otherwise.
3/31/2017 12:52:05 am
If he was innocent, why did he dye his hair, grab a wad of cash and start heading to Mexico?
Sue Beaty
3/31/2017 09:06:12 pm
He is a self centered narcissist who does not have the ability to feel love for anyone but himself. He had the option to do what a normal person would do who wanted out.. divorce. But he had multiple affairs and chose to take life from another human being...hope he rots in hell.
4/21/2017 06:50:31 pm
Scott is your child/family but your head is buried in sand...he is guilty and I believe if you actually stepped back from this and look at the evidence, you too will see his guilt. Don't be one of those people who say, "not my child." Yes, your child! He is a sociopath....
9/8/2017 12:18:24 am
You could be right. As an attorney I have viewed as much of the evidence available. This case was happening while I was at Mcgeorge. Please tell me what evidence you know of that proves beyond a reasonable doubt of guilt. Not saying he is or isnt guilty. Just curious what evidence you are referring to.
4/24/2017 12:17:24 pm
He's guilty. I know it's hard to accept that a family or friend is capable of such a horrible crime, but he's guilty.
5/6/2017 11:51:04 am
I have read everything, Scott Peterson is innocent of murder. He is guilty of adultery. that's true, but murder no.
9/26/2017 03:37:24 am
True... he is definitely a womanizer but not a murderer.
Diane Austin
5/9/2017 08:42:44 am
There is not new evidence. I read what they say was never introduced and/or brought up and I clearly remember all of it being brought up previously. From the so called witnesses supposedly seeing Laci that morning walking her dog to the juror not being truthful on her questionnaire. Then they are saying ineffectual counsel, n o fair trial and death penalty being unconstitutional. Seriously? Then they are saying there was no physical evidence and he was convicted purely on emotions. The man said he was fishing in the bay, not a lake or anywhere else. She washed up in the bay, not anywhere else. He says to her mom, Lacis missing, not oh is she there or calling around looking for her, and he can't be bothered to call and report her to the police himself, he doesn't even attempt to look for her anywhere. There is nothing more to be said on this case and there should be no new trial or commuting of his sentence. Guilty is guilty and he certainly is!
natasha Davies
5/11/2017 08:10:52 am
I have followed this case from Day 1 and not including all this non evidence the fact that Scott has never publically stood up and said "hey I loved her and our baby and I couldn't wait to be a dad" That alone makes him look heartless and guilty, I love my husband to death and if someone suspected me of his murder id be sitting with his family and every media outlet on earth shouting about him until the end of time.
Jen Farley
5/12/2017 09:15:30 am
Scott Peterson is innocent, the media destroy his reputation right from the start. The Jurors already had a bad opinion of Scott their first day in the courtroom, the crazy redhead one lied. Scott did not get a fair trial, the Detectives on the case had tunnel vision..they zoomed in on Scott right from the start, Amber? She's no victim, she loved the attention..My heart does go out to Lacys family, but my heart goes out to the Peterson family as well, especially Scott. One day he will walk.
Regina Agey
5/12/2017 03:27:44 pm
I don't know if Scott is guilty or not. But I do know that there's way to much evidence that was NOT looked at in the investigation and not used in the trial. I 100% think that he did not have a fair trial. I think Scott was a terrible husband but a killer? I'm not so sure. There's way to much reasonable doubt in this case. He was the only suspect from the beginning. And it definitely seems like someone dumbed her body in the bay that everyone in the world new Scott was fishing at. And the phone call that was recorded in Prison by 2 brothers, one of which committed the robbery near their house and they were talking about Lacy. One of the brothers stopped the conversation because they were getting recorded. And that tape disappeared??? Huge red flag. After watching the Snapped documentary on him, I literally can't stop thinking about this case. Scott has even been in a couple of my dreams. It's so weird. That's why I found this site. To see how other people felt. Like I said, I don't know if he's guilty or not. But I do know, he had the most unfair trial I've ever seen. This man had so much reasonable doubt it's rediculous. Being a shitty husband doesn't make you a murderer. Prayers to both families.
5/18/2017 06:20:54 pm
All of your supposed evidence is skewed by your hope that he is innocent. You have ever so slightly changed things to fit your narrative.....
5/26/2017 02:16:13 am
Your brother Scott is an evil human being. Why can't you defend this you f. D up crazies. Why did Scott tell Amber that he had already lost his wife before Laci was already ready. Just try to explain that away you are just as evil as he is
6/15/2017 11:55:14 pm
There was enough evidence on Scott to why he was found guilty. I believe he is guilty and ther is no way he will ever be released. I feel bad for his family as they are also victims in all of this.
9/8/2017 12:16:14 am
I dont know if he is guilty or not. But your thoughts and understanding of the law is delusional. Peterson most likely will be overturned on appeal. Zero evidence is zero evidence. When they poll a juror and ask if he is guilty or innocent before trial i bet you would say you didnt know because you hadnt heard evidence. Wrong! Answer is he is innocent. When EVIDENCE BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT is founded and presented then and only then can you vote to convict. That didnt happen here. That is failure of the justice system. Thats why the Innocence Project has freed hundreds of people.
9/13/2017 11:05:52 pm
Tim, as an attorney (which you mentioned in another post) you should know that in our judicial system appeals are generally not concerned with actual claims of innocence but whether or not the defendant got a fair trial. The exception is that if new evidence is discovered the appeal can petition for testing or for that evidence to be heard. Most of the appeal for Peterson is rehashing evidence that was available at the time of the original trial, and much of which was presented to the jury. These issues will likely be disregarded by the appeals court very quickly. I am curious what issues raised in the appeal you think are grounds for the conviction to be overturned?
7/13/2017 09:25:32 am
The family is delusional! He is soooo guilty!!
7/24/2017 12:17:21 am
I am shocked at all the circumstantial evidence! Another trial is desperately needed! They need to look at all the facts and all the questions! Can MPD answer all the questions you have written! Hell no they can't, they don't have that kind of evidence! I hope someday to hear the real truth so that all families can get closure! I actually hope Scott is proven NOT guilty but if they. An prove he is guilty then do it with facts!!!
7/25/2017 07:05:34 pm
Wow! This is so delusional. "ServPro... Like it never even happened". Scott wishes. This is truly a pathetic website. Fry the asshole already. ALL of the drivel posted as "evidence" exonerating that asshole is so contrived. The boat, the location the bodies were found, the taped lies with Amber, changing his appearance, the cash, the Mexican border. The level of detail you present as evidence and the contrived counterfactuals, all conveniently explained is painful lying detail.
Dolores Sanchez
8/21/2017 05:55:16 pm
Scott didnt get fair trail. Ya he is an asshole for cheating.
8/22/2017 08:19:26 am
I hate that death-row inhabitants have anything more than solitary confinement and the absolute basics to keep them alive until real justice can be served. Once convicted of murder, the criminal has forfeited their rights to be treated humanely. "Cruel and Unusual"? What about the victim(s)? Peterson is playing basketball, getting three squares a day, socializing, living relatively comfortably, while Laci...well, think about her last minutes on earth. Think about how she would have died trying to protect the baby. And he's playing basketball...to this day, it makes me sick to my stomach.
9/8/2017 12:11:46 am
You have been on Death Row?
8/28/2017 01:42:26 pm
I was thoroughly convinced that there was no other explanation for her disappearance. After finding this website I feel as though I can't believe I didn't search for info earlier. The amount of information and evidence compiled here convinced me and I hope it convinces others. I always wondered why if he had done the crime and was doing the time and subsequently being put to death for it then why didn't he just confess? But now I know, because there are reasons justifying his innocence. Keep up the site and I hope others search out info like this and it leads to the true killer paying the price. I cannot believe some of the things I read and how it really was misinterpreted to the public like me for so long.
Linda Sanderson
8/29/2017 11:42:26 pm
I remember hearing about this case years ago (of course through the media) and being an extremely busy person at that time, I didn't follow it. I didn't even know what the outcome was. Recently I was watching TV and there was a documentary on Scott Peterson and the death of his wife and unborn child, saying that he killed them. I was wondering what happened with this. As I watched, I kept saying to myself, this guy didn't do this. They really didn't have proper evidence to convict him. I mean usually they have something solid to go on. Some kind of hard evidence, don't they. The only real evidence was a hair from his wife on a rusty set of plyers. WHAT!!! Now I know they spoke of Amber (the girlfriend and lover) and OK he is a dog and jerk for that, but that doesn't prove him to be a murderer. I was cheated on when I was 8 mos pregnant. If I would've come up missing would the whole world say "hey he cheated-he killed her". No! men cheat everyday on pregnant wives, it doesn't make them murderers. And although he didn't react like everyone thought he should have, he was probably thinking "oh shit everyone is going to find out about me being a jackass, they are going to think it is my fault she is missing and come up with the (conclusion they did)- I don't know how to handle this, will she be back and will I have spilled my guts for nothing-she will be back- I will keep it on the DL for now (just stay out of cameras eye- I really don't know what to do" The porn channel was kinda weird, and he was acting weird. But does that mean we judge a person to be a murderer because he is acting weird? Ok, I can't read minds and hearts, I just don't think they gave him a fair trial. Get some real evidence and then they can make a real decision. Not on that this guy is a horney dude and cheats. You just can't base it solely on that. COME ON PEOPLE IT WAS MURDER FIND THE "EVIDENCE". STUPID, SERIOUSLY. Scott if you did do it god will repay you, there's no worry about that, and if you didn't, sorry man this really sucks, I hope they get the truth fast, because you've been in there too long. If there was anything I could do to help find the truth I would. Hang in there buddy. Bummer.
8/30/2017 12:36:32 pm
This guy did not get a fair trial, plain and simple. Those who have the nerve to spew obscenities and rage about how guilty he is do not understand what a fair trial is. How dare they be so judgemental. I hope they do not get convicted of something during an unfair trial. I can't say whether he did it or not, God will judge us all in the end, it us not our job to put innocent people away then spit about it. If he had a fair trial and was convicted then done and done but the fact is he legally did not get a fair trial. We all get ours in the end and you people who so evilly spew such garbage at others under a false identity because you are not face to face with anyone are nothing but childish cowards. Use your brains. Learn about how a trial should really work. Whether he did it or not he did not get a fair trial, he may never get one and that is the biggest tragedy because it means you or your family can succumb to the same.
Susie Hellett
8/31/2017 07:44:13 pm
I know he is going to hell..yippee
Laurie A.
9/2/2017 08:59:06 pm
Before seeing the television series on A&E I assumed Scott was guilty based on the media coverage. I am now convinced otherwise. May the truth prevail and God make this right for both families.
9/8/2017 12:10:28 am
Watching the trial I always felt his trial was unfair. After watching the series I can clearly see there was no evidence against Peterson. Media convicted him. Nancy Crace and her bullshit. He should be out free based on how the law works...or is supposed to work.
9/15/2017 08:01:05 pm
That is exactly right, that man was convicted by the media. I pray for Laci and Connors family, I cant imagine the pain they've endured as a result of all of this. Dont get me wrong, if indeed he is guilty then he deserves to rot in hell, but Scott Peterson did not get a fair trial and that is a fact. Once Amber came foward everyones mind was made up and he didnt have a chance. Scotts docile demeanor and his not showing emotion in front of the camera means nothing! Everyone grieves differently, you cant judge a book by its cover! Laci;s family deserves justice and closure, and the Peterson family deserves a fair trial!
12/22/2017 01:51:40 pm
Lynn Patterson
9/2/2017 11:30:51 pm
I am disgusted how so many people judge Scott. Innocent or guilty you do not have the right to judge him. Having an affair for whatever reason does not make him a killer. One final thing if he cried in public he would have been crucified for trying to look like the grieving husband. He couldn't win either way. My prayers on with you.
9/3/2017 02:09:45 pm
I have studied this case. I have really tried to find at least one doubt, there is no reasonable doubt in this case. He got in my opinion rightfully convicted for murdering his wife that was pregnant. All evidence clearly demonstrate him to be the one and only guilty party. He went “fishing” for the first time in his new boat ,in the San Francisco Bay, far away from home, on Christmas Eve and exactly the same day Lazy went missing. However, the most incriminating evidence of all was when her and her baby´s bodies suddenly were discovered on the san francisco bay shore, just a few months after she went missing. It's very clear!
9/8/2017 12:08:27 am
As an attorney this case concerns me. Zero evidence. Zero. Huge media coverage. Guilty or not Peterson did not receive a fair trial and the prosecution failed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. Cops never considered any other leads. Stands to reason the upper courts will overturn this conviction at some point. Remember folks that lying cops got OJ Simpson off...yet they managed to convict Peterson?
Kathy W
9/8/2017 05:31:21 pm
I do believe he did not get a fair trial, how could he with all the news coverage! He was prosecuted before he ever went to trial! I personally have had issues with the media, and they only report what they think the public is intrested in or will get a lot of hype! Very sad but true! I was tormented and beat up on social media for standing up to what I felt was right in my families situation, but others judged me because I would not comment and when I did, I was beat up about that! The media, and social media is ruthless, my heart goes out to laci, Conner, and her family and friends...as well as Scott and his family and friends! I hope the truth does come out, and it's backed up by complete facts! Some police agencies get tunnel vision! And feel they are under pressure to just get a conviction whether it's the right person or not! Very sad, but true! Prayers to all!
Everett Knox
4/22/2018 07:44:42 pm
This guy is so obviously guilty. I have never seen such a solid circumstantial case. People who think he is innocent probably have seen Elvis, UFOs, and Bigfoot.
9/9/2017 12:04:08 am
None of this is new evidence, except maybe the allegation about the juror. The rest are just the same arguments that Scott's supporters rehash over and over.
Jon beit
9/13/2017 06:40:28 pm
Wow this is our human race. If it was your child maybe you would think logically about it. Name 1 piece of concrete evidence that shows he did it 100%? I'm waiting.
9/14/2017 11:25:35 am
Scott Peterson is a sex addict not a murderer! People need to separate their feeling about him.
9/14/2017 09:17:08 pm
A reporter was standing outside the Peterson house on the 26th with cameras rolling. If a burglary happened on the 26 he would've seen it and recorded it.
9/19/2017 09:29:19 am
A news reporter, on site on dec. 26th swore he never saw activity at the neighbors home or was captured on video.
9/20/2017 02:22:02 pm
Ft, there are 20 people, many who knew Laci from the neighborhood, who saw Laci. The mailman said he saw the gate open after the neighbor closed it. Most likely Laci had to pee or went back into the house to get something and the dog got out when the neighbor put him up. She left a few minutes later, leaving the gate open to get back in which is what the mailman saw. 20 people cannot all be wrong, especially if you believe one neighbor is right. There were news crews all over Laci's front yard on the 26th, and the neighbors were home so how did the robbery take place then?! It makes sense the robbers changed the date to prevent being linked to Laci's murder, especially whenever one of them immediately told the investigators he had nothing to do with the missing woman whenever they came to investigate and asked about the robbery. They drove the same van a witness said he saw a pregnant woman being forced into a half mile from the house. How do you explain the Evelyn Hernandez case?!
9/30/2017 08:22:26 pm
Fantasy. Peterson is guilty. Stop the fair tale. He had a very capable defense team. Lawyers! Right there with politicians. Put a 5 foot lawyer in a hole and pour in 4 feet 6 inches of concrete. What you need; 6 more inches of concrete. Peterson will never see the daylight of freedom. Amber is lucky she's still alive.
10/24/2017 02:50:05 pm
1) times could have been different
rick fisher
10/29/2017 06:37:32 am
How did the dog get a leash on it? The neighbor testified she put the dog in the backyard with its muddy leash. When your done walking your dog, do you leave the leash on it? So SOMEONE walked the dog that day. And that SOMEONE obviously never had the chance to take the leash off. So Whats so clear about his guilt?
11/16/2017 01:46:27 pm
The burglary happened the 24th a witness seen them... Also the circus had already started by the 26th. Get your facts right. Even one of the anchors said they was there from 5am the 26th all day thats a hard up criminal to rob a house with media in the street. The cops withheld info n also in the discovery, they were dirty cops n liars themselves n it happens all the time... N so was the Jury they definitely was watching Nancy Grace daily Im sure of it. It just shows that our legal system is a joke n its guilty until proven innocent n it disgusts me... Period
Jaime Warhurst
11/16/2017 03:10:46 pm
Let's be clear, IF the neighbors house had been robbed on the 26th as the police had claimed, the media that was camped in front of Scott's house would have seen it. Period. The house was robbed on the 24th, the day Laci went missing.
9/12/2017 08:00:58 pm
For what it's worth I always thought Scott was innocent and he's sitting on death row for having an affair. The police catered to the media and was determined to put Scott in jail. I pray that your family gets the justice you deserve.
9/13/2017 01:39:38 pm
So sorry Scott didn't get a fair trial. Please post on the blog what people can do to help.
9/13/2017 07:49:28 pm
Scott Peterson is a liar a narcissist and a cheater but no one has proven beyond a reasonable doubt he's a murderer.
9/13/2017 09:12:41 pm
I remember, somewhat vaguely, when this case first occurred. I didn't pay much attention to the trial and remember how the media in general was convinced that he did it. Unfortunately I believed that there was so much evidence against him and that he obviously was guilty.
9/14/2017 11:19:51 am
Scott is not guilty! He maybe a scum for cheating but he definitely didn't kill his wife and son! Why would he suddenly decide on Christmas eve to kill Laci and Conner? When they're expecting family and friends! I think Scott has a SEX ADDICTION and Laci probably wasn't full filling his sexual needs, so he got himself a girlfriend on the side to full fill these needs! Did anyone think about any of this? She was 8 months pregnant, she probably didn't have a craving for sex the way Scott did. It was said he bougbt playboy channel and hustler channel after Laci went missing! So what!!!!
9/14/2017 09:12:09 pm
My prayers are with everyone involved. It's horrible situation and to see all those that inserted themselves to gain publicity is sickening. The way people vocally attacked you guys as they gathered outside the courtroom was revolting. I know it doesn't help Scott get out of prison, but if he is innocent Laci would've known and I hope that gives him some peace.
David Robinson
9/16/2017 03:51:58 pm
I have believed from day one that Scott was innocent. I would like to know the day it was made public that scott went fishing because I believe it to be very relevant I have rewatched the first few episodes and didn't here it . If you have it that would be great . Keep fighting he will win
9/19/2017 09:26:36 am
Watching the t.v. Show on AE. Just got to the part where 6? Separate witnesses/couples reported they saw a pregnant woman matching description walking dog to the park down street from laci's, the morning of her disappearance, and robbery across the street from her house, while scotts computer was being used at his business. Laci was followed by two men, and her body was in same condition and same location as a previous body 6 months prior.
Krystle martin
9/19/2017 07:45:38 pm
I think he needs a new trial...??? Because they never gave him a chance to review the evidence more of the crime seen??? And they should of went around ever house and talk to people and asked questions if they seen a pregnant lady and the dog...??? And if it was Laci and Conner...????
9/20/2017 03:33:01 am
I wonder how many of those who have made rude & hurtful comments have a loved one sitting on death row????? It's truly sad that we live in a world where so many people are NEVER willing to be open minded enough to even consider that maybe, JUST MAYBE there's a chance that after ALL the FACTS that were NEVER revealed when they should have been, that for just one second you could think...... if I were the one in this situation facing death, I could only hope that I could be given a chance to have a fair trial. The situation is heart wrenching for both families & words cannot express how saddened I am for ALL of them!!! It just looks to me that very obviously this case was based upon a man having an affair & lying to a woman he'd only known for 3 weeks & being immediately judged for not showing emotion in a way that some might not think to be emotionally acceptable & THAT DOES NOT MAKE ANY PERSON A MURDERER!!!!! BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT IS WHAT ANY CASE SHOULD BE BASED ON & the only thing that was beyond a reasonable doubt, was the fact that they could not provide any evidence that he committed the crime they convicted him of!!!!!!!!
Cindy P
9/20/2017 02:15:13 pm
I am sad to admit I was swayed by the Media coverage and assumed Scott Peterson was guilty. I don't know whether he is guilty. But after the A&E Program on Lacy's murder, it's clear he did not receive a fair trial. I pray for Lacy and Conner that justice is served and the full truth about their murders is revealed. That's the problem with the Death Penalty. If Scott Peterson had been killed by the State it wouldn't matter now if he was innocent or guilty. Just one innocent man or women wrongly put to death by the State(i.e. You and me) is too many. I don't want an innocent man's blood on my hands. And if he is guilty the endless hours and days that he has had to relive and think about what he did are hell on earth. Many killers find a way to take their own lives for that reason.
9/20/2017 02:49:10 pm
The new show on a&e seems like he may actually be innocent.. prayers with him and his family.
9/20/2017 09:41:24 pm
I originally thought he was guilty from what was on the news, lies, and the cheating. After seeing all the calls from sightings of Laci and not investigating ALL information and evidence received, I have to say I feel he has been wrongfully accused. He definitely DID NOT receive a fair trial.
9/21/2017 06:58:40 am
Been watching the recent show on tv. Guilty or innocent, Scott deserves a new trial. His first was a mishandled media circus...did he tell lies...yes. That's proven...but did he commit murder...not so clearly proven. No DNA, no blood, no witnesses. A trial should be just that, a trial. Not a forum for the media. When this happened the media was too involved...no one could have received a fair trial. Not unless it was moved to Mars. And as far as lies go...the lead detective had some of his own. It was a sloppy investigation...very poor police work. Retry the man. Guilty or innocent, a retrial is in order. Just my opinion...
9/21/2017 10:34:03 pm
Between 1999 -2002
9/21/2017 10:47:35 pm
After reading about the new evidence the family has found and after watching the new show on a&e , I filled stand by the word by saying this man did not murder his wife and child! They didn't investigate the disappearance! They thought it was a open shut case! And it was not! My thoughts and prayers are with the Peterson family. May god stand by you and grant this appeal!
9/22/2017 03:38:16 pm
They got the wrong man. Watched the A&E thing and everything on this web site, they got the wrong guy. My hope is that he's cleared and sues MPD to bankruptcy. Name it Scott or Peterson or this place sucks. Sue California to bankruptcy. 14 fucking years? MPD decided on 12.24 that he was the guy and they never looked at anything else. No physical evidence, never interviewed other witnesses, lazy police work. That's where this started.
It is a travesty that our "criminal justice system" is placed in the hands of average men and women, such as those who sat on this trial, and - worse - that they are permitted to decide life or death. Whether the Defendant in this case "acted" strangely or not - whether Nancy (dis)Grace convicted him long before trial on TV or not - the prosecution has the highest of burdens that could not possibly have been met in this case. How could any rational, free-from emotion fact-finder, holding the State to its burden regardless of whether a man was unfaithful or overrun with emotion at the loss of his wife, find no doubt whatsoever that he committed this crime? It is a testament to what is wrong with our system that a verdict like this was arrived at and deprived a man of his liberty, and perhaps life, based on "feelings." The State's theory was a moving target based on juror dislike of the Defendant; had the media not made a soap opera about it, it seems unlikely, to me, that this would have resulted. Whatever the reason, it is stomach-turning that anyone could rejoice in this man paying the ultimate price when the State failed to prove his guilt.
Bernard Phillips
9/24/2017 01:53:02 am
Where are the Peterson's landline phone documents? And Laci's cell phone documents? Do they exist?
Jessica M
9/24/2017 08:44:41 pm
I had never really thought of this case, I too, just believed he was guilty. Now after watching "The Murder of Laci Peterson" on A&E, I think yes not guilty. I feel so bad for him, can you imagine what it's like for him if he didn't do it?!! Can you all imagine how horrible that would be? It's terrifying how many people they have discovered ARE actually innocent. I lost my fiancé 12 years ago, in an accident, many people said I didn't act a certain kind of way, well, I was insane, I can barely remember events for about a year after, except it was horrible. When you're grieving and in shock, there's no textbook definition of how someone should act! And the fact the police did such a shoddy job and released his alibi to the media and then that's where they showed up? And they didn't follow up on tips that would have exonerated Scott? That's incredibly f***ed up. Reasonable doubt runs rampant here. Free Scott Peterson.
Where, When, and How
9/25/2017 06:50:46 pm
If any of you who are saying he is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt can provide fact based evidence showing 1) Where the murder occurred, 2) When the murder occurred, 3) How they were murdered, I might change my mind about believing he is innocent and didn't receive a fair trial.These 3 questions couldn't be answered by anyone during the trial everything is theory and speculation, which provides more than just reasonable doubt. This guilty verdict was nothing but a public lynching by the media and relied solely on personal emotions by the public and not truth or fact.
9/28/2017 02:15:04 pm
1, 2 strands of hair found at the warehouse? 1 day after police search the home and collect evidence? Can a hair follicle test determine if it was hair while she was pregnant or well before? Police claim 5 cement anchors but only 1 is clearly visible. Were 4 made with the bucket only?
9/28/2017 04:18:26 pm
Not only do I question why somebody who is trying so hard to keep a secret would ever think it be a good idea to murder a pregnant woman knowing it would go nationwide on TV? Amber would find out immediately that he was married it would blow all of his lies out into the open for the public and Amber to see. And he had lied through his teeth to protect Amber from finding out. That's like robbing a bank and pulling the fire alarm after you have the money in the bag. It makes no sense. And why would he tell the police exactly where he was fishing if he had dumped the bodies there… Knowing that they would keep an eye on that area?? If Lacey truly was abducted by somebody else… And that individual was watching the news he knew exactly where to dump Laceys body and frame Scott. Killing his wife was no way to keep his indiscretions or his marriage secret. Giving the location of where he was fishing… If he dumed the bodies there would be ridiculous! A normal murderer would have given police clues far away from where he dumped the body. He basically gave them an X Marks the Spot of where theyed be. Makes no sense. Scott might be a cheater but he never appeared to be stupid. I don't know there's too much that was hidden at the trial & too much that the media distorted. And too much goes on behind closed doors for us to cast judgment. Guilty of infidelity yes. Murder I don't know??
9/28/2017 05:05:59 pm
He did not receive a fair trial. I have always held this belief. He was convicted simply due to having an affair.
9/28/2017 07:07:48 pm
There is one INDISPUTABLE fact!! How did he know on December 9th that "This will be my first holiday without my wife?" If I even thought for one minute that he might be innocent(which I did not) this one fact would have convinced me of his guilt!! How can anyone dispute this? Are we all so unwilling to believe a husband and impending father could murder? Unfortunately, that is NOT the case.
9/28/2017 08:13:03 pm
If Scott is released based on appeal can they try him again to have a fair trial? This is just a question as I am not taking either side.
9/28/2017 11:58:09 pm
America has become a cesspool of people who's brains only purpose is to provide a electrical current for a heartbeat and an occasional breath. Hard evidence convicts people of crimes, especially murder and in this case it is questionable at best, provided by inept police department. The media circus prevented a fair trail and the jury was tainted. Yet, through it all brainless bloodsuckers still want their pint of vengeance.
9/29/2017 08:41:43 am
I have just watched the A and E documentary about the case and one thing that wasn't answered and could prove that Scott is innocent, was the mail. The mailman noted he delivered mail around the time Scott was at work. Was any mail found by the police from the day (24th I believe) in question? If so, is it in evidence? If so was it checked for finger prints or Dna? If Laci's dna is on that mail or her finger prints, it would prove she checked the mail, and alive while Scott was at work. This baffled me during the documentary becuase it showed her checking the mail and we know what time Scott was at work and when the mail was delivered. Thank you
alan randall
9/29/2017 12:04:10 pm
I'm not commenting on guilt/innocent My pov is that the judicial system failed to meet it's burden of proof, according to the law. The negative comments displayed all seem to be based on how the media portrayed these events.
Iris L Sosa
9/30/2017 09:14:53 pm
Prayers for ur family and hope the truth will set him free i can actually say and believe he did not get a fair trial the media played alot in the case to everyone he was already guilty before he was tried i hope ur family can actually get the peace u are looking for i feel for lacis family and my prayers go out to them but as i watch the the whole documantary today i can actually say that he deserves a new trial with the new evidence and hopefully the truth will set him free.
10/2/2017 02:07:38 pm
My heart goes out to the Petersons. It is incredible to read these hate filled comments, put forth in true ignorance. Even the questions are aggravating... as every one of them are already answered within the site, which I'm sure took many, many months and people to assemble. People are lazy and ignorant. God be with you all.
10/6/2017 08:47:21 am
I have read the evidence. Given both sides, it is clear that some of the jury members voted on emotions instead of evidence.
Tiffany Hendel
10/8/2017 03:43:24 pm
10/16/2017 02:25:25 am
Very few people care about the actual FACTS in this Peterson case. But the FACT IS a whole bunch of neighbors SAW Laci alive and fine, walking her dog AFTER Scott left the neighborhood to go fishing. And those eyewitnesses WILL testify at the second trial.
Melissa C.
10/24/2017 04:18:29 am
Hang in there Scott. Your day will come that you will have another trial and hopefully everyone will see what I see and set you free. You're a man that doesn't deserve this and I am so sorry for your losses. Oh and today is your 45th birthday I believe, so happy birthday let's hope by the end of this year you'll be home and out of jail where you belong. If you ever need or want someone to talk to just to pass the time I'm here for you. I know you're innocent and nothing will change my mind on that.
10/24/2017 02:41:33 pm
I was thorughly convinced that he killed her. However, I can't get passed a few things. 1. The boat is too small, 2. The anchors are too small, 3. She got on the computer to look at stuff. 4. There is only a time frame of 12 hours from the time Laci talked to her mom and got on the computer.So the time frame narrows to 8:45 am to 10:08 a.m on the 24th. But then you add in Martha Stewart that she was watching at 9:48 a.m, this leaves Scott with approximatley 16 minutes to put all of this off. There is definately a cover up with the burglars across the street. A tape went missing with criminals talking via telephone regarding Laci and the burglary. Scott was a douche for cheating and lying but that didn't have any evidence of him killing, just evidence of him cheating. So he was convicted of cheating and sent to death row. The jurors judged him on character instead of facts and evidence. It was an emotional verdict and not one based on circumstantial or concrete evidence. They kicked off a juror for not agreeing with the rest. This whole thing is so sad for two beautiful people are gone and another one is condemed. Sorry for rambling.
10/26/2017 10:52:28 pm
I was one of the people that believed what the media told me back in 2004. It is a shame that we can't possibly get fair trials in this day and age with people like Nancy Grace being judge and jury and sensationalizing every look or action someone has out of context.
vera raica
10/31/2017 05:43:05 pm
I felt he was inocent, and that they had not proved his guilt, and if there is doubt, you cannot say he is guilt. I said to many friends, I have doubts, Now that there is an appeal, I am hopeful. no blood stains in the house, no DNA, no physical evidence. just the time line. that is not enough to consider someone guilt.
11/10/2017 05:17:21 pm
I find it terribly sad, NO matter whether Scott is innocent...or guilty, that people are posting in this horribly negative demeanor. It speaks to EXACTLY the issues of attitude in this country that seem to be increasingly negative, hateful, lacking in any compassion, and grossly uninformed. Why can’t people do their own research on the case....which means disregarding EVERYTHING that was broadcast on all tv programs and published in books and magazines. And, if you still believe in guilt, speak your mind if you must, and while doing so, have some compassion for the family and friends that frequent this site.
11/19/2017 09:35:46 pm
NOT GUILTY!!! I used to think Sott was guilty. But after watching that A&E special...NO WAY, if Lacy confronted someone robbing the house across the street¿¿¿? Seriously? A no brainier. Those dudes watched & waited for her. They were thief's she confronted!
Cassandra Chacon
5/12/2018 08:31:52 pm
Ok so I have been reading through the documents on the case , and I'm still unsure what to believe, but what bothers me about the whole situation is that 2 weeks prior to Lacys disappearance Scott tells Amber this is going to be the first Christmas he will not be with his wife, and it just so happens a couple days before Christmas she gets abducted and murdered, from a robbery that she witnessed take place across the street from her home. Did Scott have a crystal ball?
11/29/2017 05:21:16 pm
Geeze, no one mentioned all the lies and BS he told Amber Frey...and he placed himself in the freaking bay where their bodies were found. He just didn't expect the poor souls to pop up! Guilty as son, dumbass criminal!
11/29/2017 05:30:51 pm
Guess he shouldn't have told Amber Frey his wife was dead then should he! He's guilty as hell by that comment alone!
12/31/2017 08:27:27 am
Yeah no new trial for Scott. I personally believe as do thousands of other citizens that the jury got it right. Scott is right where he needs to be.
Sulin Vitela
1/8/2018 11:03:49 pm
All the evidence here make sense and I would say innocent, but it's just the way he acted like he didn't care about his wife missing and cheating and lying, that makes him look guilty. But it's in God's hand, let the truth come out.
S. Taylor
1/10/2018 02:57:34 am
I was aware of this tragedy when it occurred through reading Who, the Australian version of People magazine. My husband and I have watched the recent TV series with great interest. I’m tending towards believing Scott may be innocent, my husband thinks he may be guilty but we both agree that there was definitely more than reasonable doubt and Scott should have been found not guilty.
I believe Scott deserves a fair trial and he didn't receive one the first time. I also agree with the comment about the burglary happening on the 24th and not the 26th. The media would have been all over it. Plus after Lacy went missing the neighborhood was on high alert for ANY activity. The cops just needed someone to blame because of all the pressure the media put them under to solve the case and make an arrest.They didn't follow up with countless leads and failed to do their job correctly. It's just a sad situation all the way around! Praying for the family.
2/16/2018 06:00:12 pm
Lacy was 33 weeks pregnant when missing. So how did Connors remains when found measure 35 weeks or more if indeed Scott killed them? It doesn't add up...
3/6/2018 06:02:40 pm
Just watched a documentary on laci and Scott Peterson. Having seen all the news media then and the way people reacted then and still seeing and hearing it in the news makes me sad to think that so many people still can’t get it into there thoughts that Scott Peterson was , is and will always be guilty. How his family was was taunted after the trial is where I draw the line. They were not found guilty and my sympathies go to them. But there was no forensic evidence, there was plenty of circumstantial evidence. To this day I believe that Scott Peterson showed everyone what a liar , cheat and clearly murdered his wife and son Connor. I feel sorry for those of you who just don’t get it. How different it would be if it were your daughters or relatives. 3/6/2018
While I am not a lawyer, it certainly seems he was not given a fair trial on the voir dire alone. But see my caveat.
Janita Weekly
5/9/2018 10:25:32 am
I believe Scott is guilty of these murders I followed it all the way. I have the same problem in my husbands family where his niece killed her father and her daughter. It's hard to face the fact a family member would do such a thing to someone they are to love, but it happens.One question I have though is why is this sister-in-law so hell bent on defending him? I have my reasons for it from the beginning could it be they were more than in-laws. Seems like it. She seems to devoted to him almost like worship of him. He is where he belongs and he needs to have the needle put in his arm the sooner the better for what he did to his wife and child. I am a mother who lost two children I wanted to watch grow up and never got that chance they were taken from me and children are such a gift from God. Mine were killed by someone both walked free. Scott does not have a right to walk free for what he has done. He planned his crime from the start and this tale of the 24th is nonsense she was not seen walking a dog. People driving down the street don't see people well enough to know who they see.
5/9/2018 03:36:11 pm
What I don't understand are those simply here to bash and insult! You think he guilty then good you should be happy with the end result...so go away now....those of us open to the possibility that he is innocent will continue to be receptive to new I formation! Stay strong Peterson family
5/9/2018 11:01:06 pm
@SPAppeal I thought SP was guilty BUT after seeing documentaries lately I DO have reasonable doubt due 2media publicizing where he went fishing witnesses saw her w/dog & they watched the news & disposed in place he fished. Perfect frame up=REASONABLE DOUBT
Lenore V
5/10/2018 04:39:45 pm
From day one I did not believe Scott was guilty. Because he cheated on his wife does not make him guilty. Why Amber fell for his lies I will never know, but she did and went to bed with him the first night. I watched disgusted with the trial and media. I have often thought of him over the years and prayed things would change around for him. Hopefully now they are. I wish Nancy Grace would listen once in awhile instead of right away saying he is guilty. she played a part in his conviction. The truth will come out!!
Cassandra Chacon
5/12/2018 08:22:09 pm
Was Lacy right or left handed?
7/21/2018 10:53:11 pm
As with almost anything/everything ~ anyone/everyone in this Life:
Tiffany hendel
7/31/2018 01:33:36 pm
Amen to that.
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